Nourishing the Planet

From us, to the world

chapter 1

Feeding the World

The world needs more natural nourishment

By 2050, the population is predicted to be close to 10 billion people¹.

To counteract the micronutrient deficiencies that still remain a significant issue in both developing and developed countries across the globe, there needs to be a greater appreciation of and an increased access to nutrient dense food².

chapter 2

Naturally Nutritious

A unique bundle of nutrients in every single drop of milk. For us, this begins with New Zealand’s natural, pasture-based farming system

Milk is naturally nutritious, as it contains a unique combination of more than 10 essential nutrients that give it its wide-ranging health benefits.

A glass of milk is important for good health, due to the complex interactions between its physical structure or matrix, nutrient bundle, and bioactives such as complex milk lipids, and milk oligosaccharides.

We believe it’s impossible to replicate.

10+ Essential Nutrients

chapter 3

Life Force

Goodness for many ages and stages

Milk and its products have been an important part of the human diet for around 8,000 years, and they have helped us survive and thrive as a species⁵.

Versatile, delicious, and nutritious, milk can be a key building block when consumed as part of a healthy balanced diet⁶. Its unique bundle of nutrients and matrix provides multiple health benefits that are relevant across the life stages⁷.


Healthy growth and development

Milk is packed full of the good things kids need for healthy growth and development, including essential nutrients such as protein, fat and carbohydrates⁸. As well as calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, vitamin A and zinc⁹.

Better immunity

A number of nutrients found in milk are vital for a healthy functioning immune system, including zinc, vitamin A (in full-fat milk) and vitamin B12. Milk’s high-quality protein is also an important tool to help keep our bodies fighting fit¹⁰.


Muscle function and growth

Milk proteins are rich in all the specific amino acids our bodies need but can’t produce, making it an ideal option for growing teens who need to rebuild and repair muscle tissue after sports and activity¹¹⁻¹².

Cognitive performance

Milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) contained in dairy fat includes complex lipids, which are also found in high concentrations in the brain. Consuming milk will help increase the intake of these lipids and may help provide cognitive benefits for growing teenagers¹³⁻¹⁷.


Maintaining healthy bones

We reach our peak bone mass by 30 years old, so it’s key in the years after, that in order to maintain strong bones we need to consume calcium, phosphorus and protein. These bone friendly nutrients, which are found in milk in significant amounts, can also play an important role in the prevention and management of osteoporosis in our later years¹⁸⁻²⁰.

20/20 vision

Vitamin A, which is naturally found in full-fat milk, plays a crucial role in overall eye health for people of all ages. For adults, vitamin A is particularly important for preventing night blindness and maintaining cornea function²¹⁻²².

Older adults

Muscle maintenance

Milk naturally contains essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, as well as high-quality protein, all of which have a specific role in supporting growth, development, maintenance and normal functioning of our muscle mass ²³⁻²⁶.

Heart health

Full-fat milk as a whole product with its unique bundle of nutrients, physical matrix and bioactives, has shown to have multiple health benefits, including supporting our heart health. Milk consumption is associated with reduced risk of many heart health risk factors, with a reduced risk of stroke, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome²⁷⁻³⁰.

chapter 4

Nourishing Impact

Milk plays an irreplaceable role in our global food system³¹

Packed with goodness to support healthy lives it is the single greatest contributing source of food for calcium, vitamin B2, dietary fat and lysine (an essential amino acid) availability³¹.
We believe New Zealand’s own nutrient dense milk and dairy products have an essential part to play in helping to nourish the planet.


We are proud to deliver this sustainable dairy goodness to people all around the world in new and exciting ways through our world-leading global brands.

Milk is a naturally nutritious food that delivers positive benefits that supports billions of people all over the world to live full and healthy lives.


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