Consumer sentiment evolving as New Zealand reopens


COVID-19 has had a massive impact on our everyday lives. What’s also really interesting is how it’s shaping how we think about our weekly shop.

As restrictions lift and pockets of spending return, Kiwis have started to adapt to the next normal – with some surprising results. 61% of consumers are looking for New Zealand-made dairy. Who can blame them when we’ve got some of the best in the world? And it’s fuelled us through COVID-19 through endless cups of tea and baking escapades.

This latest consumer research also shows that more than ever, Kiwis want their dairy served up in a sustainable way.

At the start of our research in April, just 24% of consumers wanted sustainably-sourced dairy. This has grown steadily over the weeks – increasing to 40% by week eight.

Each week we’ve been asking Kiwi consumers what they want from dairy companies. How they answered that question has evolved through the levels of our lockdown and as we emerge on the other side.

What we’ve found is more Kiwis are looking for recyclable packaging (39%) and want to ditch the artificial additives (38%). Both are up since the beginning of the research.

Sustainability is really important to us too - Fonterra has made a commitment to sustainable dairying and to doing more on climate change, coal, waste and sustainable packaging.

We’re striving to be a New Zealand dairy Co-op that’s producing nutrition in a way that cares for people, animals and our environment, as well as bringing value to our communities.

Just eight weeks into our 20-week research, there’s some time to go, but these early signs show just how important sustainability is to all of us.

About the research

Run by research agency Fiftyfive-5, the research seeks to understand NZ consumers, sentiment and how behaviour and attitudes are being impacted by COVID-19. We seek the views of around 1300 New Zealanders each week. We’re in week eight and half-way through.

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