Emerging talent program for next gen dairy farmers is back for a fifth year


Industry-leading program Proud to be a Dairy Farmer is back with applications now open for the 2025 program.

Now in its fifth year, the program focuses on professional development for young people in the dairy industry, seeks to build knowledge, skills and connections, supporting participants to take the next step in their careers.

Dairy farmers and farm employees aged 20 – 35 in any state, regardless of what processor their farm supplies, are encouraged to apply.

2024 program participants taking part in farm tours in Gippsland, Victoria.

Designed and operated by Fonterra’s farmer representative body, the Fonterra Australia Suppliers’ Council (FASC), the program has grown in popularity each year. It provides an invaluable opportunity for young dairy farmers to come together, expand their knowledge and appreciate the many opportunities available in the industry.

Run by dairy farmers, for dairy farmers

Now an Executive on the Fonterra Australia Suppliers’ Council, Alvie dairy farmer Brooke Lane has been involved with the program since its inception, playing a pivotal role in its growth and development each year. 

Taking on a mentorship role with participants, Brooke has embedded herself in the program to ensure it keeps meeting the needs of young farmers and continues to excite them about a career in dairy.

“The Proud to be a Dairy Farmer program exposes young people passionate about the industry to different ideas and perspectives. The program is an opportunity for them to spend time off farm, with other like-minded people, learning, connecting and building their passion for the industry.

It’s an amazing way to support the next generation of talent in our industry and provides learning opportunities that young farmers wouldn’t normally get on the job.

Brooke lane, dairy farmer and fonterra australia suppliers' council executive, western victoria

“Over the program's four years, I’ve wanted to play a hands-on role to shape the program’s purpose and agenda. I love being part of it each year and seeing the difference it makes first-hand to those just starting out.

“What I see are young, passionate people in dairy – and it’s really rewarding and energising to help nurture that passion for the future of our industry.

“As a younger first-generation dairy farmer myself, I wouldn’t be where I am today without a strong support network of people who love what they do in dairy, which is where my passion for Proud to be a Dairy Farmer comes from. It shows others there is a bright future in Australian dairy, inspiring them to look at the bigger picture and take on new challenges.”

Brooke emphasised the value the program brings in making connections and building the ever-important support network.

Brooke Lane, Fonterra Australia Suppliers’ Council Executive, Western Victoria.

It’s not often you get together in a room with 25 other farmers from right across the country, in roughly the same stage of their career. It’s so valuable to hear how they do things, the decisions they make, and how they farm in the conditions where they live and work.

celina pellett, gloucestor dairy farmer and 2024 program participant

“It’s an amazing way to support the next generation of talent in our industry and provides learning opportunities that young farmers wouldn’t normally get on the job.”

“The connections made while on the program last well beyond the three-days spent together. These young people are the future of dairy in Australia.”

The Proud to be a Dairy Farmer program has seen close to 75 participants go through the program since its inception in 2021.

The 2024 program saw the largest pool of applications yet, with the final 25 participants selected from farms supplying 14 different dairy processors, across all states in Australia, cementing its status as a nationwide, whole-of-industry program. 

2024 program participant and Gloucestor dairy farmer, Celina Pellett.

Nothing else like it in the industry

2024 participant and Gloucester dairy farmer Celina Pellett believes the program is a fantastic opportunity to gain new perspectives on how others farm and understand regional and seasonal differences across Australia’s key dairying locations.  

"I had the most amazing time as part of Proud to be a Dairy Farmer in March this year. A standout was meeting others who had joined from all corners of Australia and hearing what an average day for them looked like, in Western Australia, South Australia, Tassie, Victoria and Queensland,” Celina shared.

“It’s not often you get together in a room with 25 other farmers from right across the country, in roughly the same stage of their career. It’s so valuable to hear how they do things, the decisions they make, and how they farm in the conditions where they live and work,” she said.

The program provided Celina with exposure to other networks and opportunities. She’s since become a member of Dairy Australia’s Ambassador Program, and most recently spoke at the New South Wales Bale Up Conference in Sydney, an event for women in dairy. 

Celina highly recommends the programs to others. 

“There’s nothing else like it in the industry. If you’re looking for some guidance or inspiration to help with your career and next steps, definitely apply.” 

About the program 

The 2025 program will run in Melbourne from 25 – 27 February 2025 and will include guest speakers on a range of topics including farm operating models, pathways to farm ownership, industry structures, and mental health. It will also include a formal dinner with industry leaders and a day dedicated to farm and factory visits. 

Interested dairy farmers and dairy employees can find more information and apply by visiting www.proudtobeadairyfarmer.com.au. Applications close on 6 November 2024.