Forecast range
Forecast range
$-0.04 / -0.89%
$-0.12 / -2.19%
Equity Instrument | LAST | (+/-) | % | LOW | HIGH | volume |
FCG(NZX) | 4.45 | -0.04 |
-0.89 |
4.45 | 4.49 | 161,513 |
FSF(NZX) | 5.36 | -0.12 |
-2.19 |
5.35 | 5.48 | 33,404 |
NZ$ as at 03/12/2024 18:55 NZDT
Comparative change is to prior day’s close
Line chart displaying the historical prices of Fonterra Co-operative Group and Fonterra Shareholders' Fund over a five year period.
Our Annual Report is a concise summary of our environmental, social and financial activities and performance. It is supported by a set of reports.
FY25 Q1 business update
FY25 Q1 business update
FY25 Interim results announced
FY25 Q3 business update