Milk vs Sports Drinks

Optimal Sports Nutrition: The Power of Milk and Dairy.

Milk and dairy products are packed with protein for muscle health, B vitamins for energy, and calcium for strong bones, they're a hydration powerhouse. Post-exercise, opt for flavored milk to replenish, rehydrate, and rebuild muscles with its high-quality protein.

Unlock peak sports performance with milk and dairy products with Simon Gilmour, Senior Research Scientist at Fonterra's R&D Centre. Watch the video below to learn more.

  • Desbrow, B., Jansen, S., Barrett, A., Leveritt, M. D., & Irwin, C. (2014). Comparing the rehydration potential of different milk-based drinks to a carbohydrate–electrolyte beverage. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 39(12), 1366-1372.
  • Maughan, R. J., Watson, P., Cordery, P. A., Walsh, N. P., Oliver, S. J., Dolci, A., & Galloway, S. D. (2016). A randomized trial to assess the potential of different beverages to affect hydration status: development of a beverage hydration index. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 103(3), 717-723.

Disclaimer: We always encourage you to have a balanced & varied diet. Qualified healthcare professionals are the best source of information for the matters related to your health and nutrition. Contents on this website are of global context, based on international peer-reviewed scientific literature. Contents may not necessarily represent the regulatory and cultural structures of all countries or regions.