Fonterra partnered with Visy, Auckland Council, and Astron to install new optical sorters which use light and near-infrared technology to read the reflective signal from each object.
Each plastic grade produces a different image or signal which identifies what it is made from. This in turn means more plastic can be recycled here in New Zealand instead of sending it overseas or to landfill.
This was another step in our efforts to help tackle packaging waste and comes hot on the heels of launching New Zealand’s first plant-based bottle for our Anchor Blue 2L bottle.
Ultimately, we want to play our part in achieving the concept of ‘zero waste’, moving towards a circular economy.
According to the World Bank, the world generates around 3.5 million tonnes of plastic and other solid waste every day. This is 10 times the amount a century ago and it will take a collaborative effort to turn it around.
Projects like the new optical sorters are a great example of what can be achieved when Kiwi businesses, government and councils get together to reduce waste.