Beyond the milk – a local hero: Celebrating James Walker’s service to the community


Edendale Process Manager and Chief of Wyndham Volunteer Fire Brigade, James Walker (or Jimmy as he is known by those close to him), has been protecting and supporting the people of the small South Island town Wyndham for over 40 years.

This month he was celebrated for his contribution to the community by receiving a Community Service Award recognising his selfless contributions and enduring commitment to public service.

(Pictured (left to right): Southland District Council Mayor Rob Scott, Jimmy Walker, Waihopai Toetoe Community board chair Pamela Yorke

Southland District Council Mayor Rob Scott commended Jimmy on his outstanding dedication and invaluable contribution over the decades.

“It’s very humbling to receive this award and be thought of in such high regard. I’m just a normal person like everyone else, and no different to anyone who volunteers. I truly love being a volunteer and helping people out when they are having a bad day and helping them pick up the pieces”. 

Jimmy has been at the Co-op for nearly 25 years starting his journey in packing and cheese, and spending the next 15 years working in process operations up to a supervisory role in 2014.

He then stepped into milk treatment supervising for the next nine years and now holding the role of Process Manager. Jimmy’s wife, oldest daughter, and son-in-law also work at the Co-op. 

Outside of his role at the Co-op, Jimmy has spent 40 years as a dedicated member of the Wyndham Volunteer Fire Brigade. He joined the Wyndham Volunteer Fire Brigade in 1984 alongside his father, was promoted to third officer in 1992, and appointed chief of Wyndham Fire Brigade in 2005. Jimmy was President of United Fire Brigades Association of New Zealand from 2019-2020, and is a life member of the Northern Southland Fire Brigades Sub-Association and the Otago-Southland Fire Brigade Association.

I’m just a normal person like everyone else, and no different to anyone who volunteers. I truly love being a volunteer and helping people out when they are having a bad day and helping them pick up the pieces.

James Walker, Process Manager, fonterra Edendale

Jimmy credits his volunteering journey to the support of his family, his wife, two daughters, and three beautiful granddaughters, “I wouldn’t have been able to do this as long as I have without their unwavering support”.

Reflecting on his time volunteering, Jimmy believes the most rewarding part has been seeing new volunteers come onboard.  

“Often we have 16- or 17-year-olds coming in and being able to teach them some life skills and getting them to help in community, and then seeing them grow and establish themselves is brilliant. Not only are they gaining volunteer experience and skills, the work they do can also be attributed to NCEA giving them a possible better shot at employment down the track.”

Jimmy is currently in the process of becoming a Justice of the Peace and has no plans of leaving the brigade anytime soon, however he is looking forward to handing over the reigns as Chief at some stage as the next generation of leaders come through.  

Pictured (left to right): Jimmy's wife Irene, Jimmy, daughter Lauren, and daughter Kendal