Meet Haylee – Director of Māori Strategy, Fonterra


Growing up in the heart of Te Nehenehenui, King Country, Fonterra’s Director of Māori Strategy, Haylee Putaranui, has always had a strong sense of home.

“I have so many awesome memories with lots of cousins, grandparents, elders and wider whānau,” she says.

“I grew up in Te Kuiti and my dad is from Uawa, Tolaga Bay on the East Coast. Two awesome towns with close-knit communities where everyone looked out for us and growled us if we deserved it…not much has changed!" 

Haylee Putaranui

“I go back to my whānau whenever I can. Our Marae features a lot, and we enjoy swimming, eating, and hanging out.”

After secondary school, Haylee completed her Bachelor of Laws degree at Waikato University and says she was filled with determination.

“I had my girl Waiaria when I was 17 and her arrival motivated me to get through Law School quickly and into my first job.”

After working as a solicitor for more than 20 years, Haylee joined Fonterra in 2016. She held a number of roles across diversity and inclusion before becoming the Co-op’s Director of Māori Strategy last May, now managing a team of seven across Aotearoa. 

Despite working at Fonterra for close to nine years, Haylee says she is still learning every day.

“It's one of the many things I love about the Co-op,” she says. 

Outside of work, Haylee is learning te reo Māori, saying, “It’s such a cool journey to be on and something I encourage others to have a go at. Even a small bit of language makes a big difference like our site names, or land blocks.”

“I also try (emphasis on try!) to do a bit of CrossFit and my dog, Cannon, is the center of my universe, so we spend a lot of time at his favourite parks.”

I had my girl Waiaria when I was 17 and her arrival motivated me to get through Law School quickly and into my first job.

Haylee Putaranui, Director of Māori Strategy, Fonterra

With Matariki on the horizon, Haylee is reflecting on what it means to her, saying, “For me, Matariki is a time to spend time with whānau, think about special people and share some kai. It’s also a time to think about those who are in need.”

“I am very fortunate – if I’m hungry or thirsty, I go to the work café. If I’m cold, I get warm clothes. I go home to a warm whare (house) every day. These are all things I take for granted,” says Haylee. 

On June 10th, Haylee will take part in Auckland City Missions’ Cook-Off, bringing together business leaders and top chefs to cook a delicious three-course meal for 150 Mission guests, many of whom are experiencing homelessness or face a daily struggle to put food on the table. Haylee will join chef Gareth Stewart’s team, alongside Senior business leaders from New World, Spark, Rinnai and Downer New Zealand. 

Each participating senior business leader has also taken on the challenge to raise at least $10,000 to support Aucklanders in need.

“Te Tapui Atawhai, Auckland City Mission, provide immediate relief and pathways to long-term wellbeing for people in the greatest need, through connection and access to kai, kāinga and hauora - food, shelter and support.  

Haylee's daughter Waiaria, who is playing basketball in Australia

“The Mission team deserve a massive shoutout – they are wonderful whānau who show up every day, all hours, to care for others,” says Haylee. 

Currently one in five Auckland families are struggling to put food on the table, with the Mission providing as many as 1,000 food parcels every single week. 

In addition to those food parcels, the Mission also provides warm and nutritious meals to around 225 people who are living on the streets or in substandard accommodation without the ability to cook. Haeata, the Community Dining room is open to the community 365 days of the year.

Te Tapui Atawhai, Auckland City Mission, provide immediate relief and pathways to long-term wellbeing for people in the greatest need, through connection and access to kai, kāinga and hauora - food, shelter and support.


“At the heart of the Cook-Off is the opportunity to give back to others, especially as it gets colder. I want the impact to be more than one night and beyond the Cook-Off. I have also been thinking about our values, which align to this Kaupapa (topic).   

“I’m proud of Fonterra’s support and grateful to everyone who has donated, especially when costs are high for everyone. We’re a proud Co-op, made up of awesome humans here and across globe. Reflecting on how we can support those in need is an important reminder to our values and how we can all show up better every single day.” 

Haylee says she’s conscious that times are tough for many, but every single dollar makes a difference.  

To support Haylee and the work of Auckland City Mission, please click here.