Prioritising mental health and wellbeing in rural communities


It’s Mental Health Awareness Week in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we’re shining a spotlight on the incredible organisations we’re proud to back who support our rural communities.

We’re pleased to continue our partnership with Rural Support Trust and their work across one-on-one support, adverse weather preparedness, response and recovery, and wellbeing services. 

We continue to be a premium sponsor of Surfing for Farmers and are getting ready for the up-coming season this November. Surfing for Farmers has over 28 rural locations providing farmers with the unique opportunity to take a break by getting out in the fresh air to enjoy a surf lesson and connect with fellow farmers.

More recently, we formed a partnership with New Zealand Young Farmers who focus on connecting young people in rural communities through Young Farmers clubs, reducing isolation and improving connection.  

Read more about these organisations below.

Rural Support Trust

Rural Support Trust has a national organisation with 14 independent regional trusts providing one-on-one support to farmers and growers going through tough times. 

Their networks, community relationships, and people work hard to ensure that the adverse event process in regions is collaborative and effective.

Rural Support Trust offers that helping hand to anyone in the primary sector who is facing a tough time, and we all face tough times. 

Chairperson for National Rural Support Trust, Michelle Ruddell, says they are rural people helping rural people.

“What I love about the Rural Support kaupapa is that the support we offer is confidential, impartial, there is no judgement, we are rural people helping rural people.

To anyone thinking about reaching out or joining an event, my advice is: please do it! Come along, there’s no strings attached. Get off the farm and take the first step toward looking after yourself."

Learn more about Rural Support Trust here

Surfing for Farmers (SFF)

Surfing For Farmers (SFF) is an initiative supporting rural communities by offering them an opportunity to step away from their daily grind to allow themselves to recharge physically and mentally.

SFF has special place in rural communities as it fosters a sense of belonging, reminding farmers that they’re not alone in their struggles. It creates a ripple effect, where the benefits of one surfing session extend far beyond the beach, into the farms, families, and wider rural communities. 

Sarah Shanks is the National Coordinator at Surfing for Farmers and says the farmers who take part recognise that self-care is not just a luxury—it's essential. 

“By riding the waves, participants gain more than just surfing skills they regain confidence, resilience, and the reminder that they can navigate the ups and downs of life, just like the waves.

The sense of achievement that comes from trying something new or rediscovering a past skill can be incredibly empowering. Surfing for the first time, or even improving on previous experiences, gives a sense of accomplishment that stretches beyond the ocean.” 

Learn more about Surfing for Farmers here.

NZ Young Farmers (NZYF) 

NZ Young Farmers is a non-profit organisation with a focus on connecting young people in rural communities, providing support and opportunities, growing leaders and nurturing the food and fibre sector into the future.

With over 60 Clubs around the country, each has their own identity and spirit embedded within their people and local communities. 

Young people are more inclined to take up roles in rural areas if the community support and networks are strong, and they’re more likely to stay if they can make friends and build their networks.

Lynda Coppersmith is the CEO at NZ Young Farmers and says she is passionate about seeing young people succeed in the food and fibre sector. 

“As CEO of NZYF, I’m passionate about seeing young people succeed in the food and fibre sector. With support from industry organisations such as Fonterra, we’re able to provide much needed resources to our clubs that in turn, allows them to deliver great value and support to their members. 

Farming is a sometimes challenging career choice and if we’re able to support our members to face those challenges and celebrate successes well, our sector is going to continue to thrive into the future.” 

Learn more about NZ Young Farmers here.