Farm Environment Plans

Bespoke environmental data for every farm

85% of Fonterra’s farmer owners in New Zealand have a Farm Environment Plan and we’re working towards 100% by 2025.  

As part of our belief that dairy has a regenerative future, Fonterra’s team of Sustainable Dairying Advisors work with Fonterra farmers to develop tailored Farm Environment Plans. These plans utilise industry-leading mapping technology and recommend actions to help mitigate risks on-farm. Together, we can continue to improve our soil health, water quality, freshwater biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions.

A regenerative approach

We want to help every Fonterra farmer achieve good farming practices which contributes to improved outcomes for soil health, water quality, biodiversity, animal wellbeing and emissions reduction.

Customer confidence

The depth and quality of our emissions reporting gives you confidence in our data, and in our ability to deliver our commitments.

A unique commitment

Fonterra and our farmer shareholders have worked together to create reports down to the individual farm level, at a national scale. The data we collect is central to our deep understanding of our total environmental impact.