Dewan Direksi

Our Board of Directors has up to nine members - six elected from our Shareholder base and three appointed by the Board and approved by our Shareholders at the Annual Meeting. 
Direktur yang Ditunjuk dipilih untuk memastikan Direksi memiliki kompetensi keterampilan yang sesuai untuk memimpin organisasi kami secara efektif. Perspektif dan pengalaman yang mereka bawa melengkapi pengetahuan industri dan keahlian lain yang diberikan oleh Direktur Terpilih kami.
Karena Direktur Terpilih harus memiliki kepentingan kepemilikan saham, mereka akan memiliki hubungan pemasok dengan Fonterra dan umumnya tidak akan dikelompokkan secara terpisah menurut definisi praktik terbaik.

Direktur yang Ditunjuk pada umumnya memenuhi kriteria NZX untuk independensi dan diharapkan untuk mempertahankan independensi selama masa jabatan mereka. Semua Direktur mematuhi persyaratan legislatif untuk mengungkapkan kepentingan dan dengan Pedoman Perilaku Sekuritas internal Fonterra yang mengatur baik Direksi maupun manajemen dalam urusan pribadi mereka dengan sekuritas Fonterra dan perusahaan terkait. Fonterra tidak memiliki Direktur eksekutif.

The Board's role

Our Board is responsible for leadership, direction and oversight of Fonterra. It is accountable to our farmer shareholders for the overall performance of the Co-operative. Specific functions of the Board include:

  • Governing Fonterra, including its control, accountability, decision-making and compliance procedures.
  • Reviewing the dividend policy and declaration of the interim and final dividend.
  • Determining the payment to be made for milk supplied by shareholders.
  • Approving Fonterra’s strategy, business plans and policies.
  • Appointing the CEO and reviewing the CEO's performance.
  • Delegating authority to management and monitoring the exercise of that authority.
  • Approving and monitoring the progress of major capital expenditure, capital management, and major acquisitions and divestments outside management's delegated authorities.
  • Establishing Fonterra’s Risk Appetite Statement and risk profile.
  • Approving Fonterra’s sustainability strategy, key sustainability initiatives, frameworks, targets and policies, and monitoring performance against sustainability targets.
  • Monitoring performance against Fonterra’s innovation and research and development goals and reviewing progress against agreed metrics.
  • Overseeing the Board Committees and the areas covered by each of those Committees.

Our Board and management team have developed systems that reflect Fonterra’s unique characteristics and requirements as a New Zealand-based co-operative.

Peter McBride

Elected Director, Chairman

Brent Goldsack

Elected Director

Bruce Hassall

Appointed Director

Holly Kramer

Appointed Director

Alison Watters

Elected Director

Alistair Field

Appointed Director

Andy Macfarlane

Elected Director

Cathy Quinn

Elected Director

John Nicholls

Elected Director