We’re committed to doing what’s right for the long-term sustainability of the Co-op and our communities both environmentally and financially. One area that’s a focus for us is water.
At all our manufacturing sites, we take steps to make sure our plants are operating as efficiently and effectively as possible with limited impact on the environment. Treated process wastewater is a result of our manufacturing cleaning procedures and small amounts of milk residue that is then either used on our nutrient management farms or disposed of as per consent conditions.
In addition to treating process wastewater, where we can see there’s opportunities to save water, we are investing in water saving initiatives at a number of our sites throughout the country.
The treatment of process wastewater starts with our operations.
We make sure our cleaning processes are optimised and milk residue is minimised. This limits the amount of nitrogen, phosphorous and other organic components in the water.
We use a range of treatment processes to clarify and clean the wastewater before we irrigate onto nutrient management farms or discharge it once treated in accordance with our consent.
Currently, wastewater that is discharged to the river from our Edgecumbe site passes through a dissolved air floatation (DAF) unit that removes contaminants from the water. These plants clarify process wastewater by releasing dissolved air under pressure, which attaches to suspended fats and solids as it rises to the surface of the DAF tank, removing them from the process wastewater.
Wastewater is also irrigated onto local farms where it provides water and nutrients to the grass.
Edgecumbe is in the process of gaining consent to develop a new process wastewater treatment plant.
We are committed to improving the quality of our process waste water. We will achieve this through both ongoing in plant improvements and the construction and commissioning of a wastewater treatment plant.
We believe this will improve our environmental outcomes with minimal impact to the community.
Over the next 12 months we will be working on finalising the plans and are aiming to finish this project by mid 2026.
Reducing water use and improving wastewater at our manufacturing sites is a key part of our long term strategy, and over the next eight years the Co-op will invest around $600 million on improvements throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
Consent lodgment
Consent processing
Construction commences
Construction and commissioning is complete
WWTP Operational
At the new facility process wastewater will flow through a tank, segregated into several sections, where microorganisms break down any organic matter (mainly milk residue) and reduce nitrogen (including nitrates) and phosphorous from the process wastewater.
The water then goes through a clarifying process where the microorganisms settle out and are returned to the treatment tanks, leaving clear treated process wastewater.
When soil conditions are suitable the treated process wastewater is irrigated onto our nutrient management farms or onto other third-party farms within the region.
When soil conditions don’t allow for irrigation, it goes through a final treatment step to remove any potential bacteria.
We own 29 farms throughout the country around our manufacturing sites to help us with our treatment of wastewater from our manufacturing operations and nutrient management.
At Edgecumbe we utilise 2 of these farms, as well as a number of third-party farms within the region
Process wastewater from our factories can be irrigated onto grasses and other crops to help them grow.
Where we don’t have stock on the farms, we harvest the crops to turn into animal feed. This creates a circular model for nutrient management, which provides us with a system that is good for the environment as well as the business.
Next Community Liaison Meeting Date: 11 March 2025
Edgecumbe Community Meeting Slides
September Community Meeting Minutes
Edgecumbe Community Meeting Slides
March Community Meeting Minutes
Edgecumbe Community Meeting Slides
September Community Meeting Minutes
March Community Meeting Minutes
Edgecumbe Community Meeting Slides
Memo - Hautapu WWTP MRA Summary
Edgecumbe - NIWA Assessment of Bioaerosols 2018
Edgecumbe Community Meeting Slides
Edgecumbe WWTP Meeting - Minutes
BOPRC Consent Applications & AEE
Appendix A - BOPRC Form 2A (Earthworks)
Appendix A - BOPRC Form 4C (Discharge Contaminants to Air)
Appendix A - BOPRC Resource Consent Application Details Form
Appendix B - Records of Title
Appendix C - Concept WWTP Plans
Appendix D - Residential Development Plan
Appendix E - Odour Assessment Report
Appendix F - Concept Stormwater & Flood Management Assessment Report
Appendix G - Preliminary Site Investigation Report
Appendix H - Alternative Sites Report
Appendix I - Whakatane District Council Activity Status Assessment
Appendix J – Summary of Consultation
WDC Land Use Consent Application & AEE
Appendix A - Whakatane District Council Consent Application Form
Appendix B - Records of Title
Appendix C - Concept WWTP Plans
Appendix D - Residential Development Plan
Appendix E - Concept Stormwater & Flood Management Assessment Report
Appendix F - Preliminary Site Investigation Report
Appendix G - Alternative Sites Report
Appendix H - Integrated Transportation Assessment Report
Appendix I - Noise Report
Appendix J - BOPRC Activity Status Assessment
Appendix K - Landscape, Natural Character and Visual Assessment Report
Appendix L – Summary of Consultation
Email: edgecumbecommunity@fonterra.com
Environmental Phone Number: 07 922 7121